September is Voter Registration Month
It’s September. That means back-to-school, football season and pumpkin spice everything. It also means as Americans say farewell to summer, it is time to turn our attention to the general election.
September is National Voter Registration Month—and Leagues across the country are working hard to make sure eligible voters are registered to vote.
This is a great time for all voters to check their registration, especially if you’ve recently moved or changed your name. You may need to reregister or update your registration in order to vote this November. It's actually a good idea for all voters to double check their status.
The good news is, the League has everything you need at

Already in 2018, Leagues across the country have registered nearly 20,000 student voters in our high schools and community colleges. League volunteers have also been busy registering new citizens at naturalization ceremonies, community events, rallies and more.
And we’re just getting started.
For the next four weeks, we are gearing up for September 25: National Voter Registration Day. Since 2012, the League has been the largest on-the-ground partner of NVRD, with hundreds of events registering thousands of voters across the country in one single day.
If you are already registered to vote, you can celebrate Voter Registration Month by encouraging people in your life to get registered. Share or check out your local League and volunteer.
Our democracy is strongest when everyone’s voice is heard. That starts at the polls—but in order to participate, you have to be registered. Now is the time to make sure that’s checked off your to-do list so you can speak out and cast your vote this November.
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