LWV Statement on Immigration Executive Orders
Today the League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase issued the following statement in response to the Biden-Harris Administration’s Family Reunification Task Force and Executive Orders on Regional Migration and Legal Immigration:
“For the past four years, immigrants and asylum seekers in America have felt unsafe, unwelcome, and afraid because of cruel policies that were created with the intent to criminalize and dehumanize those seeking refuge in our country. Rolling back these policies is a critical first step in repairing the significant damage that has been inflicted on the families and individuals impacted. The United States must also work to support those countries whose residents are fleeing to identify and support solutions to these challenges. The League of Women Voters is pleased that the Biden administration has committed to doing so today.
“We commend President Biden for prioritizing the reunification of thousands of families separated by the previous administration. Locating and connecting parents and children will be a massive undertaking across the government. Once this has occurred, our government must ensure that history will never be able to repeat itself again.
“We are further pleased that no longer will being Muslim, Latino, Asian, or a member of the African diaspora be used as an excuse to deny people their dignity and human rights.
“The U.S. immigration system is broken. Fixing it will require all impacted voices to be represented in identifying the solution. Immigrants, immigration-rights advocates, and foreign governments must come together to support common-sense improvements to ensure that it operates in a manner that is fair, efficient, and just.
“For more than a decade the League has supported a clean DREAM Act, the reunification of families, a process for refugees and asylum seekers seeking entry to the U.S., and a path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented persons living in the United States. We commend the new administration for today’s steps which help our nation heal and demonstrate the value that a beautifully diverse immigrant population contributes to this country.”
The League of Women Voters sent a memo to the Biden Administration in December outlining the priority areas where we hope to work together including comprehensive immigration reform. Read our list of priorities for the new administration HERE.
CONTACT: Sarah Courtney | 202-263-1332 | [email protected]
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