Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization
Case Summary
In March of 2018, the Center for Reproductive Rights filed a lawsuit challenging the fifteen-week abortion ban that was passed by the Mississippi state legislature. The League filed an amicus brief in support of the plaintiffs.
In March of 2018, the Center for Reproductive Rights filed a lawsuit challenging the fifteen-week abortion ban that was passed by the Mississippi state legislature. The ban would impose unconstitutional barriers to those seeking reproductive healthcare in the state. In the past 20 years, Mississippi has continually imposed a series of abortion regulations and laws that have resulted in the closing of all but one of the abortion clinics in the state. The case addresses the constitutionality of a pre-viability abortion ban.
The League joined an amicus brief led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights. The brief noted the impact that these barriers place on women, specifically lower-income and Black women. Barriers to reproductive health care often result in fewer economic and educational opportunities for the women in these communities.
LWV Timeline
Center for Reproductive Rights Files Complaint
The Center for Reproductive Rights files a complaint and request for a temporary restraining order to block the Mississippi law
District Court issues Temporary Restraining Order
A District Court judge issues a temporary restraining order blocking the enforcement of the law
District Court strikes down Mississippi abortion ban
A District Court Judge strikes down Mississippi’s 15-week ban on abortions
Center for Reproductive Rights Moves to Include Six-Week Ban
Center for Reproductive Rights files a motion to supplement the complaint with the six-week abortion ban that was signed in 2019
District Court Blocks Six-Week Ban
A District Court judge grants a preliminary injunction against the state’s six-week abortion ban
Fifth Circuit Affirms Lower Court Block of 15-week Ban
The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upholds the district court’s ruling against the 15-week abortion ban
Fifth Circuit Affirms Lower Court Block of Six-week Ban
US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upholds the injunction against the six-week abortion ban
Mississippi Files Petition with Supreme Court
The State of Mississippi files a petition asking the Supreme Court to review the lower court’s ruling
Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Case
The US Supreme Court grants the state’s petition and agrees to hear the case
LWV Files Amicus in Support of Right to Abortion
The League of Women Voters and partners file an amicus brief in support of the challenge to the law
US Supreme Court Opinion Leaked
A draft opinion authored by US Supreme Court Justice Alito is leaked to the press.
US Supreme Court Overturns Constitutional Right to Abortion
The Supreme Court delivers a 5-4 ruling overturning the constitutional right to abortion as recognized in the landmark cases of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.