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The US Census is the once-in-a-decade process of counting every resident in the country. This data is then used to create district maps during the redistricting cycle. 

Why It Matters

US Census data is used to make decisions around education, healthcare, infrastructure, and political representation. With increased growth across the country, getting an accurate and complete count of every person living within is crucial to ensure that each state receives funding to support the number of residents in each state. 

What We're Doing

The League’s Census work occurs in three phases: (1) Education; (2) Get Out to Count activities, (3) Watchdog reporting. In the months leading up to Census Day, Leagues around the country go into communities sharing information and resources about how to participate and the importance of the U.S. Census. On Census Day, the League works in a coalition to help get everyone counted, works in Complete Count Committees to share out information about low-reporting areas, and communicates where additional support is needed.

Now that the redistricting process has begun, the League is focused on empowering people to get involved in the creation of fair districts through Census data.

Latest from the League

The League submitted comments to the Management and Budget Office (OMB) regarding its proposed updates to the federal government’s race and ethnicity data collection standards. The outcome of this comment opportunity will update the questions that respondents see on the US Census and other forms of government data collection. LWVUS also signed onto partner comments to amplify how the proposed changes would impact numerous racial and ethnic communities in the US.   

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The League reached out to welcome Director Santos who was confirmed to the Census Bureau earlier this year. Census work is incredibly important to our democracy. 

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LWVUS joined partners on a letter asking the Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget to move forward with revising the standards for federal data on race and ethnicity.

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