LWV Transformation Journey
The League's Transformation Journey centers our mission and empowers our League community at every level, facilitating the real work of democracy that League members lead in our states and communities.
Transformation Message from LWVUS Board President
Building League power at every level is necessary to fulfill our mission over the next century.
Over the past decade, the League has embarked on a Transformation Journey, an endeavor to build the next century of the League of Women Voters. This Transformation Journey centers our mission and empowers our League community at every level. It facilitates the real work of democracy that League members lead in our states and communities.
Introduced at our 2018 National Convention, a Transformation Roadmap was formulated with input from Leagues at all levels as an action plan for continuing the evolution of the League by building a renewed, larger, more unified, and more impactful organization. Then, at our 2020 National Convention, League delegates voted to elevate the DEI Policy to the same organizational importance as the Nonpartisan Policy.
At our National Convention in June 2022, League delegates adopted bylaws and budget commitments to take this transformation to the next level. These commitments were our Structure Transformation Plan, the next phase of our shared vision of the League’s future. I am proud that League members, staff, board, and convention delegates came together for this historic commitment. Together, we fix our eyes on meeting the needs of all voters, being a national leader for democracy defense, empowering our communities, growing our membership in number and diversity, and strengthening our grassroots power.
Years of research and planning formulated the blueprint of our work. We made a real commitment last year with our Structure Transformation Plan. Now, we enter the next phase of our transformation journey: building out the framework of our future. I am so excited to build it together with all of you.
- Dr. Deborah Ann Turner, LWVUS board president
Transformation Journey Timeline
Framing the Future
Framing the Future is the present phase of the League of Women Voters Transformation Journey, and it follows up on the commitments of the Structure Transformation Plan. Read about this phase of our transformation work at the link below.
Read more about each phase of the Transformation Journey:
- Transformation Roadmap
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Commitment
- Structure Transformation Plan
- Framing the Future
Contact Us
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