Moments to Watch in 2024 (Blog) 2/20/2024 With a high-stakes presidential election, several critical cases before the Supreme Court, and anti-voter laws on the rise across, 2024 is set to be a pivotal year for our democracy. Here are a few…
Inspiration From Late LWV President Dr. Deborah Ann Turner (Blog) 1/30/2024 Our president, the late Dr. Deborah Ann Turner, shared many moments of wisdom. We hope these will inspire you in the days to come.
Premiere: What Do You VOTE411? (Blog) 1/8/2024 Ahead of the 2024 midterms, LWV's latest Public Service Announcement's for are live!
Quiz: How Well Do You Remember 2023? (Blog) 12/27/2023 From Supreme Court decisions to voting rights legislation, 2023 was a busy year for our democracy. But how closely were you paying attention?
Our Greatest Achievements in 2023 (Blog) 12/12/2023 In 2023, Leagues across the US worked diligently to achieve a remarkable number of wins in litigation, voter registration, civic engagement and education, and more. Below are 6 of our greatest…
Giving Thanks to Democracy's Defenders (Blog) 11/23/2023 When I look at everything people have done this year to protect and uplift every person’s voice, I find so much to be thankful for. This is for the election workers, voters, and League volunteers…
The Lochner Court: Substantive Due Process and Its Effect on the Supreme Court Today (Blog) 10/19/2023 The Lochner era marked the beginning of the US Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) expansion of its powers into unenumerated rights, and by extension, Americans’ economic and social lives, which persists today…
College Voter Guide: Q&A (Blog) 10/17/2023 Casting your vote, especially if it’s your first time, can seem complicated. To make it simple, we’ve compiled some of the most common questions we’ve received from college and university students.
The Hyde Amendment: An Abortion Barrier Hiding in Plain Sight (Blog) 9/28/2023 The Hyde Amendment prohibits the use of federal funding for most abortions. As a result, most people enrolled in public health programs cannot use their health care coverage to pay for abortion…
Mifepristone: Where Things Stand in the Legal Battle Over Medication Abortion (Blog) 9/18/2023 Mifepristone, a drug commonly used for medication abortion, is under attack in the federal courts. At stake are the rights of women and people who can become pregnant to access one of the most common…