Moments to Watch in 2024 (Blog) 2/20/2024 With a high-stakes presidential election, several critical cases before the Supreme Court, and anti-voter laws on the rise across, 2024 is set to be a pivotal year for our democracy. Here are a few…
Grassroots civic groups make national politics local (News Clips) 1/24/2024 This article was originally published by The Daily Northwestern. The Evanston chapter of the League of Women Voters, a group dedicated to voter education and advocacy, spearheaded the Voter…
The Lochner Court: Substantive Due Process and Its Effect on the Supreme Court Today (Blog) 10/19/2023 The Lochner era marked the beginning of the US Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) expansion of its powers into unenumerated rights, and by extension, Americans’ economic and social lives, which persists today…
Legal Trends to Watch in 2023 (Blog) 8/30/2023 From January – August 2023, state legislatures nationwide passed various bills into law. While following these developments, the League noticed several important trends around voting rights and…
Ohio voters reject ballot measure in win for abortion rights advocates (News Clips) 8/9/2023 This article was originally published by Reuters. "This is much larger than one issue; it's much larger than one party or one election," said Jen Miller, the executive director of the League of…
Quiz: How Well Do You Know America's Female Democracy Icons? Part 2 (Blog) 7/5/2023 How much do you know about our democracy’s Founding Mothers from the eighteenth century to today?
Ohio's fight over State Issue 1 just one part of a larger national battle over ballot issues (News Clips) 6/5/2023 This story was originally published by Ohio is teed up for a political fight over ballot initiatives this summer, after Republican Ohio lawmakers voted last month to set an Aug. 8…
What is a Runoff Election? (Blog) 11/16/2022 What does it mean when a state goes into a runoff election? We break it down.
Women Need to Vote (News Clips) 11/2/2022 This blog was originally published by United Way. Gender equity is America is linked to women exercising the right to vote. That was the takeaway last week, from the Women United Global Leadership…
TikToks to Get Out the Vote (Blog) 9/20/2022 Looking for a new way to get out the vote? Share one of these TikToks, or create your own with our guide!