The League of Women Voters urged Senators to cosponsor S.Res.333 to publicly recognize the importance of our government that is by, and for, the people. 2024 is the perfect year to mark as the “Year of Democracy.” As the US heads into yet another historic presidential election cycle in 2024, it is vital that we work together to ensure broad participation in our electoral system.
October 19, 2023
To: Members of the Senate
From: Virginia Kase Solomón CEO, League of Women Voters of the United States
Re: Support S.Res.333 - A resolution designating 2024 as the Year of Democracy
Our democracy – a government by and for the people – makes this nation special, and its continuation is integral to our freedom. We must take action to ensure that our democracy survives long into the future; therefore, it is important that members of the Senate support Senate Resolution 333 to designate "2024: The Year of Democracy." The League of Women Voters urges Senators to cosponsor this resolution and publicly recognize the importance of our government that is by, and for, the people.
The League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) was founded in 1920 to empower women to fully participate in our democracy. Today, we continue that work to empower voters, especially those in communities that have been historically marginalized, to create a more inclusive, equitable democracy.
S.Res.333 was introduced in the 118th Congress by US Senate Majority Whip and the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dick Durbin, and former Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chuck Grassley. Similar resolutions passed in previous Congresses with up to 59 Senate cosponsors designating September as Democracy Month in 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022. The resolution represents an effort to further grow the American dialogue around the values that founded our democracy and commit to taking the action required to maintain our system of government.
If passed, the resolution to designate 2024 as the Year of Democracy would be another useful tool for nonpartisan, pro-democracy organizations like the League to engage Americans in conversations about the importance of our democracy and finding common ground in a hyper-partisan world. Support from Senators and Congress broadly would represent a top-down, shared mission. Voters are concerned about the partisan divide in both our country and government. This is an important opportunity to use messaging to highlight the issues around which bipartisanship is still alive and well.
Our focus as a nation is often centered around the improvements necessary to continue our growth. While that exercise is required to achieve a more perfect union, we must also take time to reflect on the privileges afforded to us by living under a government by and for the people. Democracy remains the best form of government to foster freedom and prosperity for those within it.
Democratic elections affect every area of our lives, from health care to jobs and more. When we elect our leaders, we choose the people who will make decisions that shape the direction of our country and communities. By driving the conversation around democracy and its relevance to our everyday lives, we are able to strengthen our electoral system and get more people involved. The 2020 election had the highest level of voter engagement in over a century with 158+ million voters- as 2024 nears, it is crucial that levels of voter engagement continue to grow.
Indeed, 2024 is the perfect year to mark as the “Year of Democracy.” As the US heads into yet another historic presidential election cycle in 2024, it is vital that we work together to ensure broad participation in our electoral system. Our democracy will be truly representative when we are all engaged.
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