BYLAW XII: The LWVUS Program and Principles Bylaw. Read LWVUS bylaws here.
CAUCUS: A type of meeting held by delegates at Convention. League members may apply for caucus space to advocate for a program item, discuss an issue, or discuss League work.
CONSENSUS: The process used to arrive at positions on issues. The collective opinion of a substantial number of League members, representative of the membership as a whole, after objective study of an issue.
CONCURRENCE: Agreement of League members with stated position. A means of agreement different from consensus. Concurrence is also a means for convention delegates to move the adoption of a program item. May be used at LWVUS convention to adopt a local state League or ILO position by vote of 2/3 delegates.
CONVENTION: LWVUS Biennial Meeting in even years. Delegates adopt a program, elect officers, adopt a budget for the coming year, and act on proposed by-laws changes. Convention is governed by LWVUS bylaws.
COUNCIL: LWVUS Biennial Meeting in odd years. No official business is conducted, but each state sends individuals to learn key initiatives and training to forward the League’s mission.
CVENT: Platform used for Convention: information, guidance, and tools for Convention. Also used to allow participation for hybrid attendees or virtual delegates.
DELEGATE: An individual sent or authorized to represent others to carry out a task. See Voting Delegate.
DEI: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. LWV is an organization fully committed to DEI in principle and in practice.
ILO: Acronym for Inter-League Organization. Leagues in a geographic area may join for joint activities and have a governing board. ILOs may participate in Program Planning.
IMPACT ON ISSUES: A policy manual designed to help League members use LWVUS public policy positions effectively at the national, state, local, and regional levels.
LEAGUE UPDATE: A bi-monthly news briefing sent by the LWVUS president to state and local leaders. All members are encouraged to sign up to receive the League Update.
LEAGUE MANAGEMENT SITE (LMS): An internal section on LWVUS website which contains resources to help Leagues succeed in all areas of League work. Program planning materials can be found on LMS.
LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES: Legislative priorities are specific issue areas for concentration. At the federal level, they are recommended by LWVUS national staff and approved by the LWVUS board. state and local Leagues may have their own legislative priorities but may only take action with the corresponding level of government. Legislative priorities serve as a playbook (guide) for lobbying and advocacy efforts in the US Congress during a legislative session. Legislative priorities can either be in support or opposition to efforts to change a particular law or regulation.
MAL UNIT: State-recognized group of members-at-large, in an area where there is no local League. MAL units participate in Program Planning through their state League.
MEMBER UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT: Sense of the group that there is consensus or agreement as a body with a position.
MOTION: A proposal that is put before a meeting for discussion and decision.
PRINCIPLES: Governmental standards and policies supported by the League by which all proposed or adopted local, state, or national issues are measured.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Individual who guides Convention and Delegates on parliamentary rules and procedures. See Robert’s Rules of Order.
PROGRAM: The education and advocacy platform that the League of Women Voters adopts during each biannual Convention to move our mission forward.
PROGRAM PLANNING SURVEY: The method the League uses to gather information from local and state Leagues using a series of questions submitted to LWVUS board to develop the recommended program
PROGRAM PLANNING INSTRUCTIONS: A set of instructions distributed to local and state Leagues that outlines potential program items for Convention and contain instructions for how to submit information to the board for consideration.
PROGRAM PLANNING Q & A: Convention Question and Answer session preceding program debate where Program Planning Committee can brief and answer questions from delegates.
RESOLUTION: Language submitted by a state or local League that expresses the will of the convention body and is not intended to modify a position or circumvent the program planning process.
ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER: Referred to as “Robert’s Rules,” is a formal process of parliamentary rules and procedures used to guide how decisions are made. Robert’s Rules include steps the convention body uses to handle the making of a motion, having a second, starting a motion, debating a motion, and putting a motion to a vote. Action can also be taken informally through unanimous consent.
STUDY: The process of research and educating League members on an issue and then taking consensus and arriving at a formal position.
VOTING DELEGATE: An individual League member who is sent or authorized to vote on Convention motions or actions on behalf of a particular state League.
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