LWVUS Policy, Advocacy, and Litigation Briefings
This is your one-stop shop to register and find resources from upcoming and past LWVUS policy and advocacy webinars.
Upcoming Webinars
LWVUS holds regular policy, advocacy, and litigation briefings for League members. Please register for the individual webinars below! Materials and recordings of the webinar will be placed on this page once they are available. Have a suggestion for a topic? Email the advocacy and litigation team [email protected]!
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Federal Legislative Outlook for the year ahead
We are now halfway through the 118th Congress. During this webinar, we will reflect back on the first half of the session in 2023 and deliver updates on legislation that LWVUS has been tracking. We will also look at the year ahead and the legislative movement we predict in this election year.
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Empowering Democracy: The Impact of Absentee Ballots and Drop Boxes
Join the LWVUS Advocacy team for an exploration into the positive impact of mail-in ballots, drop boxes, and the communities that thrive with these accessible voting solutions. In this webinar, hosted by LWVUS Advocacy, we will celebrate the empowerment of democracy through the lens of inclusive voting practices. Discover the benefits of mail-in ballots and drop boxes, learn about success stories from various communities, and gain insights into fostering a more connected and engaged electorate. Together, we'll explore how these innovative voting methods contribute to a stronger democracy and create a more accessible and inclusive voting experience for all.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Redistricting Part II: Looking Ahead to 2030
As we are almost five years out from the next US Census and subsequent redistricting cycle in 2030, LWVUS’s Advocacy team invites you to learn more about what current opportunities we are seeing in states for reform. During this session, we will review findings from the CHARGE Hub’s redistricting report card, take a look at current Census reform efforts, and review what existing state-level reforms are in play this calendar year.
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Executive and Regulatory Advocacy
In addition to the legislative advocacy that the League conducts, certain issues also require advocacy with the Executive branch- both through working with the White House and federal agencies. Especially in moments when legislative advocacy stalls, due to gridlock in Congress or other hurdles, it is key to find other avenues to pursue our policy goals. Join this webinar to learn about LWVUS' efforts on advocacy with the Executive branch and our goals for regulatory action this Congress.
Past Webinars
Materials and recordings of past webinars are included below
Monday, February 26, 2024
Know Your Rights: Voter Intimidation
LWVUS staff will be joined by attorneys from our partners at Free Speech for People and the law firm of Akin Gump to learn more about voter intimidation: what it is, what legal protections exist to address voter intimidation, recommendations on how to respond, and how the League is involved. This webinar is limited to state and local League leaders, including presidents, executive directors, and relevant board members.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Emerging Issues: An Overview
LWVUS' Advocacy team will provide an overview of the League's Emerging Issues portfolio, including how we do our advocacy work, what related resources we offer, and how we can support affiliate efforts on climate change, criminal justice, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), health care, and immigration.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Where Are Reproductive Rights Post-Dobbs?
LWVUS will provide a snapshot of the reproductive rights legislative landscape a year and a half after the Dobbs decision.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Introduction to the Advocacy 101 Modules
At the request of League members and in coordination with League leaders, LWVUS built multiple module tools to help train voting rights advocates to take advocacy actions to advance League positions successfully. Join this webinar to see an overview of the tools and learn how you can use the content- like template PowerPoint presentations, educational one-pagers, and short recordings, to grow the advocacy skills of your League.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Preparing for State Legislative Sessions 2024
The LWVUS advocacy team will be sharing tools and resources that Leagues can use for their upcoming legislative sessions and doing a refresher on effective advocacy strategies for those needing it. This webinar is geared towards League members advocating at the state and local levels.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Federal voting rights bills
The 118th Congress had a slow start in the first half of the year, but after navigating those early challenges, it has had the capacity to propose and begin to move a number of bills that would impact voting. Join this webinar to hear about the progress that these voting bills have made this session and where they may go in the coming months.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
UN Observers: Looking at the cycle of international advocacy at LWV
The team will talk through the four quarters of the year and the associated work each quarter with a focus on the fall COP conference and Spring CSW conference. The team will also share how Leagues and members can think globally and act locally. This webinar is ideal for members interested in international advocacy, those who want to plug members into broader issue advocacy work, and new members.
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Fighting Voter Suppression Bills: Going on the Record
Join LWVUS for the webinar "Fighting Voter Suppression Bills: Going on the Record," led by our Advocacy team, as we review the voter suppression bills introduced during the 2023 legislative session and hear stories of successful fights that kept them from becoming law. Learn how the dedicated advocacy efforts of state Leagues and their coalition partners successfully prevented the passage of these bills, safeguarding democratic participation and ensuring equal access to the ballot box. Whether you're seeking a refresher on effective advocacy strategies or new to the field, this webinar is tailored to League members engaging in advocacy at the state and local levels.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Redistricting 2030: Laying the Groundwork Now
The 2021 redistricting cycle taught us that it's never too early to begin preparing for the next redistricting cycle--there will always be ground to cover in the interim years. Join LWVUS advocacy and state redistricting leaders as we discuss ways to begin preparing for action and advocacy to ensure a more transparent and fair redistricting cycle in 2030. This webinar is open to League leaders, advocacy chairs, and any member interested in redistricting.
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Supreme Court Recap & Looking Ahead
Please join the LWVUS Litigation team for a recap of the Supreme Court's October 2022 term. We'll discuss the impact of decisions such as Allen v. Milligan and Moore v. Harper and others where LWVUS and Leagues participated. We'll also have a brief look ahead to the Court's October 2023 term and decisions that could impact voters and democracy. This webinar is for League leaders and members who are interested in learning more about the Supreme Court's impact on our work and our democracy.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Legislative Trends
Join the LWVUS Advocacy team for our annual “Legislative Trends” webinar, where we will give a comprehensive review of the legislation that was passed in the 2023 legislative sessions across the country. Discover major trends in state-level legislation, ranging from voting rights to emerging issues, and gain valuable insights to compare with developments in your own state. This webinar is for all who are interested in understanding legislative landscapes and drawing meaningful comparisons across states.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
What to Expect When You're Expecting . . . Litigation! Part II: Hearing from League Leaders
Join the LWVUS Litigation Team and League leaders to discuss what you can expect during litigation from the perspective of those who have been there and done that! This webinar will be great for League presidents, executive directors, advocacy and issue chairs, and anyone who'd like to learn more about the litigation process. A recording is available for Leagues upon request.
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
What to Expect When You're Expecting . . . Litigation!
The LWVUS Litigation team invites you to a discussion about bringing litigation in federal court as a League and what to expect from start to finish. We'll cover topics such as choosing and working with legal counsel, reviewing documents, the process of discovery, the role of LWVUS, and much more. This webinar is great for League presidents, executive directors, voter services/issue chairs, board members, and anyone else interested in learning more about the litigation process. *Please note - this session will not be recorded, but slides will be shared.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Applying a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Lens to Our Work
LWVUS will review the League’s “Applying a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Lens to Our Work” section of Impact on Issues, including walking through a demonstration of how to apply the tool to a League position. This webinar is for League members and issue advocacy chairs, tenured and new, who would like guidance on applying this vital tool to our work.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
ERA Community Field Call
With a potential vote approaching in the US Senate, join LWVUS and other League members to learn about the status of the ERA and align the field on messaging and advocacy strategy to counter mis- and dis-information.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Introducing the LWVUS Legal Center
Join the LWVUS litigation and communications teams to walk through our new Legal Center, a one-stop shop for locating League’s litigation at the national, state, and local levels. This webinar will be a great resource for EDs, Presidents, and voter services chairs, who oversee or track litigation involvement (past or present) and want to learn how to promote their litigation work for free on the national stage.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
LWV's Criminal Justice Position: Overview and Advocacy Considerations
The LWVUS advocacy team will discuss the League’s Criminal Justice position adopted at 2022 Convention, including position formation, language, and application. This webinar is geared towards state and local Leagues looking to do criminal justice work for the first time, or who would like additional considerations for their advocacy work.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Impact on Issues: 2022-2024
LWVUS will share a new, updated Impact on Issues document which includes the updates made at the 2022 Convention. Please join us to learn about the content of the League's policy position document and how to use it to inform your advocacy.
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Legislative Outlook: 118th Congress
The 118th Congress and 2023 legislative sessions are beginning! Join us to hear LWV’s advocacy outlook and strategy for the year and learn how to use the advocacy support tools and resources available to Leagues.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Preparing for Legislative Sessions
The LWVUS advocacy team will be sharing tools and resources that Leagues can use for their upcoming legislative sessions and doing a refresher for those that need it on effective advocacy strategies. This webinar is geared towards League members doing advocacy at the state and local levels.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Meet LWVUS UN Observer Corps
In 1945 at the UN Charter Conference, the League of Women Voters was invited by President Harry Truman to serve as a consultant to the U.S. delegation. Since that time, the League has continued its presence at the United Nations through our LWVUS Observer Corps. Tune in to learn about the current LWVUS UN team, get an introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals that guide the UN work, and what individuals and local communities can to do towards achieving these goals.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
The League and Litigation
We will discuss the roles for the League in litigation, recap the ongoing trends from the past two years, lessons that we have learned from previous litigation, and gaining insight from Leagues on how we can better support them in litigation going forward.
Recording here
Find slides here
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Legislative Trends
Join us and learn what the common legislative and issue trends that we have seen across the country and what we expect to see in the coming legislative and congressional sessions.
Recording here
Find slides here
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Working on Federal Voting Rights in States
As Federal Voting Rights moved through Congress, LWVUS worked with 11 key states in a grant program to support their advocacy and lobbying work around the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Join this webinar and learn all about the amazing work they did and how they made federal voting rights resonate on the state level.
View Recording Here
Find Slides Here
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022
Advocacy & Litigation FY 2022 Wrap Up
The Advocacy and Litigation Team at LWVUS discusses the work they have done over the last year. Join us as we look back on an eventful and impactful year.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Reproductive Rights: Overview and Advocacy
This webinar will look at what is happening around reproductive rights at both the national and state level. We will discuss opportunities for advocacy going forward.
View Recording Here
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May 18, 2022
Scotus Review
Join this webinar to learn what the Supreme Court has been up to and has upcoming on its docket.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Reproductive rights cases/legislation/advocacy
In Honor of Women's History month, the Advocacy and Litigation team will talk about what is happening around reproductive rights, from litigation to legislation.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, February 16, 2022
How to build an Advocacy Program
What is involved in building out an advocacy program? How do you determine targets, build partnerships, grow your volunteers? This webinar will be the start of a series on how to build an advocacy program
View Recording Here
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Friday, February 11, 2022
Program Planning 102
Additional information on proposed program issues, including information on joining Groups.io.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Looking Ahead
What will the coming year of advocacy, litigation, and legislation look like in this new year
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Testimony 102
Join us for an in-depth and more advanced training on some of the best practices to utilize when testifying. This will build upon previous League trainings and resources around testimony.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Legislative Trends
This webinar has been removed. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
This training serves as our most in-depth look at the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA). We discuss why the bill is so important and how it will restore the Voting Rights Act to it's full power . It serves as your one-stop-shop for everything VRAA.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Advocacy & Litigation FY 2021 Wrap Up
Tune in for our July Policy Webinar as the Advocacy and Litigation Team at LWVUS discusses all the work they have done over the last year. From election and voting rights works to redistricting and census advocacy, Fiscal Year 2020 was a busy time. Join us as we looked back on an eventful and impactful year.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, June 16, 2021
For the People Act Deep Dive
This training serves as our most in-depth look at the For the People Act which is an expansive voting rights and democracy reform package. We discuss why the bill is so important, what reforms it advocates for across voting rights, money in politics and ethics, as well as what it would mean for current and future threats to democracy through anti-voter bills. It serves as your one-stop-shop for everything For the People.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Voter Suppression Bills: What/Where are they and how do we address them?
This past year we have seen the introduction and passage of some of the most draconian voter suppression bills across the country. These voter suppression bills are reminiscent of the Jim Crow era. In this webinar, we will be reviewing some of the most heinous of these bills from across the country. We will also discuss the best ways to advocate against and organize around these bills and talk about their consequences. Join us to learn how to fight against these bills!
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, April 21, 2021
How to Effectively Assess Litigation Opportunities
Join us for an interactive webinar to help take your litigation to the next level! The League’s mission to empower voters and defend democracy is often achieved through strategic litigation, particularly when centered around our Making Democracy Work issues. In 2020 alone, Leagues engaged in over 60 lawsuits in state and federal court on topics ranging from climate change to COVID-19’s effect on voting rights, most of which we have won. As the League evaluates how we can improve upon on our litigation successes, the Advocacy and Litigation department wants to help League leaders determine how to best assess opportunities and position your League litigation for success.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Representation, Redistricting, and Democracy Reform
In this webinar, we will be talking about what is on the horizon for democracy reform in 2021. The webinar will talk about the new redistricting cycle and reform across the country, voting rights, and opportunities for involvement. Join us as we walk through this critical year for democracy.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Meet your new Congress!
2021 will mark the start of the 117th session of congress and a new executive administration. In this webinar we will be sharing the legislative priorities and planned work for this session of congress, and how you can get involved as a League Member. This webinar is open to all, and would be especially beneficial for League advocacy chairs.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Testifying at your Legislature
Knowing how to tell our story, is how we shape our communities political and personal futures for this redistricting cycle. Join us for this session to learn about how to build effective testimony for redistricting and legislative hearings.
View Recording Here
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Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Introducing Rep the League!
Rep the League! Congressional Interview Program official launch! Join us as we officially launch our Congressional Interview Program. We will use this time to discuss the idea behind the program, how it works, and how you can participate. Attend and learn more about how you can strengthen your relationship with your member of Congress
View Recording Here
View Reporting Form Here
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Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Preparing for 2021 Legislative Sessions
Wrap up 2020, with a training session on how to prepare for next year's legislative sessions in your state! We will go through all the steps your Leagues can take to successfully navigate your legislative sessions and build power for your League.
View the Recording
Download the slides here
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Census 2020 Update
As the 2020 Census wraps up, we'll be taking a moment to report out on final Census updates. Join us for our November policy webinar to learn about the count this year, and how we need to organize looking ahead for redistricting.
View the Recording
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Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Impact on Issues for Effective League Advocacy
Our work is grounded in our issues. Join us and learn more about where you can find LWVUS positions, and how to use that knowledge to develop advocacy campaigns for your League.
View the recording here
Download the slides here
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Developing Effective Advocacy Alerts
Rapid response is the name of the game. In today's unpredictable yet connected world, it's important to know how to rise in the moment and respond to last-minute changes and challenges. Join us as we walk you through building effective advocacy alerts.
View the recording here
Download the slides here
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Setting State Legislative Priorities
In this webinar, we will discuss our federal and state legislative priorities from the 2020-2021 Fiscal year. We will be diving into our previous work in this space, and how we will be looking ahead in building out education and lobbying work for our legislative priorities for this year.
View the recording here
Download the slides here
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
LWVUS Litigation and Legislative Yearly Wrap Up
Join the Advocacy and Litigation team for our annual wrap up about litigation, legislation, and new for 2020, the People Powered Fair Maps campaign.
Watch the recording here
Download the slides here
Wednesday, May 27, 2020; 3-4:00 PM ET
LWVUS Advocacy and Policy: An Update on the Census and Redistricting
Join LWVUS Advocacy and Litigation staff for an update around the operating timeline proposed by the U.S. Census Bureau. COVID-19 has pushed Census the field operations to start later than planned. Find out how this will effect redistricting and what you can do in your state as we move forward into the redistricting cycle.
View the recording here
Download a PDF of the slides here
Tuesday, April 28, 2020; 3-4:00 PM ET
LWVUS Policy and Advocacy: An Update on Democracy Reform in Congress
View the recording here
Download a PDF of the slides here
LWVUS staff will provide an update on democracy-related legislation in Congress. We'll cover legislation we have endorsed, where it is going, and what it covers.
Thursday, April 2, 2020; 4-5:00 PM ET
COVID and the League: Continuing our Work in Unprecedented Times
View the Recording Here
Download the PPT Slides Here
Download the PDF of the slides here
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everyone's lives, but that doesn't mean that our work stops. Join LWVUS staff for a conversation around recommendations around policy, advocacy, grassroots engagement, and communications during this unprecedented time.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020; 3-4:00 PM EDT
LWVUS Policy and Advocacy: Moving the ERA forward
Get an update on the efforts to remove the ratification deadline in Congress, pending litigation addressing this issue, and how you can help make it all happen!
View the recording here
Download the slides here
Wednesday, February 26, 2020; 3-4:00 PM EST
Getting Ready to Get Out the Count
The Census has officially kicked off in Alaska, and it will soon be coming to your state. Data from the Census, collected every 10 years, plays a huge roll in allocating federal funding, deciding how many congressional seats a state gets, and drawing electoral districts! Join us on this Webinar to see how your league can create a #GetOutTheCount plan to ensure that all members of your community respond to the Census and help build fair districts.
View the Recording Here
Download the Slides Here
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Lobbying Tips and Tricks for State and Local Leagues
Join the Policy and Advocacy team for a webinar on lobbying tips and tricks. This webinar is intended to provide direction on setting up meetings, talking to legislators, leading a "hill day," and incorporating activists, new members, and coalition partners into the fold.
View the recording here
Download the slides here
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Setting Legislative Priorities
LWVUS staff hosted a webinar covering the considerations for setting legislative priorities and discussing our most recent guidance to state and local Leagues.
View the recording here
Download the slides here
Visit the 2020 Legislative Priorities guidance here
Tuesday, August 27, 2019, 3-4 PM Eastern
Redistricting 202
This webinar discussed the history, criteria for, implementation of, and transparency needed in redistricting.
View the Recording here.
Download the Slides here
Tuesday, July 30, 2019, 3-4 PM Eastern
LWVUS Policy and Action: Census 2020
This webinar will discuss how Leagues can get involved with the 2020 Census. We'll highlight the resources, opportunities, and policies driving the implementation of the 2020 Census.
View the Recording Here
Check out the Census Action Kit for more guidance
Tuesday, June 11, 3-4 PM Eastern
LWVUS Policy Update: 2019 Legislation and Litigation Efforts
Join LWVUS Director of Advocacy and Litigation, Celina Stewart, and Policy and Legislative Affairs Senior Manager, Jessica Jones Capparell, for a mid-year update on LWVUS legislation and litigation efforts.
View the Recording here!
Download the slides here (direct download)
Tuesday, May 21 3-4 PM Eastern
LWVUS Policy Update: For the People Act
Join LWVUS policy and advocacy staff for an update on the movement of HR1, the For the People Act. We will discuss updates on the Senate version of the bill.
View the Recording Here!
FTPA Postcard and instructions
For the People One Pager (pdf)
Slides for the Presentation (coming soon)
LWVUS memo calling for a Hearing
Tuesday, April 23, 3-4 PM Eastern
LWVUS Policy Update: HR4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act
Join LWVUS policy and advocacy staff to discuss HR4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act. The legislation responds directly and responsibly to the 2013 Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder and subsequent decisions by state and local jurisdictions to implement discriminatory practices connected to our elections. It will modernize and repair the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Recording of the Webinar
LWVUS Memo to Congress on this Issue
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 2018 Statutory Report (pdf)
Download the slides here (direct download)