Application Process
What is the deadline to apply for the LWVUS Board or Nominating Committee?
Online application forms are due on October 27, 2023.
What does the application process entail?
Interested candidates are required to submit an online application, which includes submitting a resume/CV. In November – December, selected candidates will be invited for a Zoom interview and to submit references. By March 2024, the Nominating Committee will select a slate of candidates, and present it to National Convention delegates in June 2024. See a preview of the application questions for the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee.
May I apply for more than one position?
Yes, candidates may apply for more than one position, but individuals cannot serve in more than one position. There are separate application forms for LWVUS Board and Nominating Committee.
How many positions are open?
For the LWVUS Board, the following positions are open: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and eight Directors.
For the LWVUS Nominating Committee, the following positions are open: Committee Chairperson and two Committee Members. (2 additional members will be appointed by the new Board at a later date).
Can I nominate others to the Board and Nominating Committee?
Yes. The Nominating Committee welcomes its fellow members to help recruit for these positions. Members can nominate others to the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee through this form. Those who are nominated need to complete the application process to be considered.
Term & Meetings
How long is the LWVUS Board or Nominating Committee term?
All LWVUS Board members and three Nominating Committee members are elected at Convention for two-year terms. This term for which applications are being accepted is July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026.
When and where does the LWVUS Board meet?
The LWVUS Board meets four times per year, generally over a Friday & Saturday in the Washington, DC area; dates of the meetings are announced at the start of the term. One meeting is associated with National Council or Convention in June. An orientation in the first year of the term may be scheduled.
When and where does the LWVUS Nominating Committee meet?
In general, the Nominating Committee meets via Zoom, phone and email (varies during the biennium). In addition, the Nominating Committee participates in National Council, National Convention (both during June) and at least one in-person meeting during its term.
Do members of the Board or Nominating Committee pay their own costs for attending meetings?
No. LWVUS Board and Nominating Committee member expenses for travel, hotel and meals are built into each LWVUS budget approved by Convention delegates. This includes associated travel expenses as well as limited reimbursement for caregiving expenses that might be incurred.
Roles & Expectations
What are the major duties of members of the board?
Board members serve in a governing role. This includes fiduciary oversight as well as strategic visioning and planning for the organization’s short- and long-term goals. Board members also serve as liaison to several State Leagues, which may require a more hands-on approach. See more about the liaison work below. A full job description is available here.
Do Board members have to raise funds?
Creating a culture of philanthropy is part of total Board responsibility, just as it is for Local and State Leagues. Board members work in conjunction with LWVUS Staff to identify and execute on specific roles in this area. Board members are strongly encouraged to financially support the LWVUS/LWVUS Education Fund at an amount that is meaningful to them.
Do Board members serve on committees?
Yes. The LWVUS Board uses a committee system. Each Board member is assigned to committees based on preferences, talents, experience and current needs. Some Board members will serve as committee chairs. Committees primarily meet via conference call. Committees will be finalized at the start of the term. Examples of past committees include: Advocacy + Litigation, Audit, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and Finance, and Governance. LWVUS staff work closely with committees.
What does it mean to be a Liaison?
Board members are expected to serve as a liaison to several state Leagues, providing connection between National and State leagues. The goal of the state liaison is to build transparency and trust, create/maintain a positive relationship, and establish active lines of communication between LWVUS and the state Leagues. Board members serve as liaisons to states other than their home state. See more about liaisons here.
How many volunteer hours per month are required for Board Members?
The hours a Board member spends on LWVUS/LWVUS Education Fund work varies depending on their specific assignments and time of year. On average, board members should plan on spending 20 hours per month on average on their work and may vary depending on circumstances. Officers’ and committee chairs’ obligations may require more volunteer time.
What are the major duties of the Nominating Committee?
Through its work, the Nominating Committee plays a vital role in defining and ensuring the League’s future success by recruiting and selecting strong candidates for the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee. Participating in the Nominating Committee process which may include an average of 10 hours per month beginning in late 2024 and will increase as the process continues. A full job description is available here.
What previous League experience should Board or Nominating Committee nominees have?
Nominees for the LWVUS Board and Nominating Committee must demonstrate their commitment to the League’s mission of empowering voters and defending democracy, either within or outside the League.
Can 16 – 17-year-olds serve on the LWVUS Board?
While 16 – 17-year-olds can become voting members of the League of Women Voters per the organization’s bylaws, minors are ineligible to become officers or directors of LWVUS due to limitations regarding fiduciary responsibilities, state law and insurance issues.
Can non-League members apply to be on the LWVUS Board or Nominating Committee?
If an applicant supports the League’s mission of empowering voters and defending democracy but is not yet a member of the League of Women Voters, the applicant can apply. If selected to be a candidate, the applicant would be expected to become a member of the League before election. Per LWVUS bylaws, only voting members of the League can serve on the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee.
If elected to the LWVUS Board or Nominating Committee, may I continue to serve my local and/or state Board?
Board members may not chair major State League, Inter-League Organizations (ILOs), or Local League projects/events or serve on State League, ILO, or Local League boards. While LWVUS Board members are encouraged to be active in their State and Local Leagues and ILOs, it is expected that the National Board will be the primary focus of their League volunteer time.
Members of the Nominating Committee are encouraged to focus their League volunteer time on the Nominating Committee but are not limited to chairing other League boards, projects/events or serving on League boards.
All members of the board and Nominating Committee must comply with this conflict of interest policy.
Are there other volunteer opportunities with LWVUS besides the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee?
Yes. There are multiple opportunities for League members to actively participate on the national level. Examples include: serving on board and convention committees, UN Observers, LWVUS Lobby Corps, task forces, and working groups, and the Climate Interest Group. For the most recent opportunities, please be sure to check the League Update email newsletter. Sign up here.
Additional Questions?
Please reach out to the LWVUS Nominating Committee for additional questions at [email protected].
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