LWV Member Management Platform Selection
An update on the ongoing member management system selection process
LWVUS is in the process of implementing a membership platform to support part two of the Structure Transformation Plan, a core part of the LWV Transformation Journey. The selection process is now complete, with the selection of ChapterSpot. For further questions, please consider attending office hours on the third Wednesday of each month at 4pm EST, or email [email protected].
What will a new LWV membership system look like?
The new membership platform will provide a centralized portal where people can join the League or renew their membership, regardless of which League they are joining. This will improve the member experience by making the joining process consistent across Leagues and will allow new members to join their local League from LWV.org.
What are the requirements for this new system?
The goal is for the new system to provide each level of the League with basic member data and their portion of member dues as seamlessly and quickly as possible. Systems requirements were informed by input from local and state Leagues. Looking to the future (and again based on feedback from the field), the team has been looking at systems with applications that will allow Leagues to more easily advance their work, such as email communications, website templates, committee flow, and more. At LWVUS, Salesforce is used as the database of record, so the new platform will integrate with Salesforce. The platform will also divide and distribute member dues with minimal manual input on the part of League volunteers.
Is ClubExpress going to be the new system?
ClubExpress was not selected as the new member management system. ChapterSpot integrates more seamlessly with Salesforce and has a financial model that is more compatible with League needs.
What does this mean for Leagues currently on ClubExpress, or those using other similar software?
While the new membership management platform will offer various tools, the only component that Leagues will be required to use on the new platform is new member join process. Leagues can continue using the tools they currently use for any other function, such as website hosting.
What does this mean for Leagues considering a move to ClubExpress or another new software?
At this stage, LWVUS recommends that Leagues refrain from undertaking major changes to their systems and processes until a new member management platform is chosen by LWVUS.
What is the expected timeline for implementation?
Currently, the target timeline is to have all Leagues gradually added to the new system between June and December 2024.
What can Leagues expect a new system to provide?
The new system should lessen the administrative burden on League volunteers by allowing members to join on their own (although there will still be the functionality for roster managers to add members) and giving members the option to pay online and auto-renew. The system will also facilitate dues flow among the different levels of League.
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