LWV Guest
What sorts of obstacles do overseas Americans face in voting and how can they overcome them?
We all have one issue that we hold dear. In my case, it’s Equal Rights.
Voters can trust in the safety and security of the mail-in voting process, regardless of recent politicized claims to the contrary. Here are five reasons why.
According to a USC study, Arkansas is the 8th most gerrymandered state, in regards to their state legislative districts. Here's how we're working toward fair maps in the state.
On the week that marks the eighth anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, SCOTUS has decided to overrule the wrongful termination of this crucial program.
On February 12, I had the opportunity to participate in one of the many activities occurring across the country to commemorate the 100th birthday of the League of Women Voters.
In 2019, LWV of Houston volunteers registered more than 31,000 new citizens to vote. Here's how they did it.
Human Rights Day celebrates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Everyone is entitled to inalienable rights regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national or social origin, or other status.
LWVCT's Carol Reimers joined CT SOS Denise Merrill, Rep. Jim Himes, & UConn Center for Voting Tech.'s Alex Russell to raise awareness on election security.
Last month we were joined by Hon. Gabriela Cuevas Barron, Hon. Sunna Aevarsdottir, Sen. Susan Kihika, and Ginger Gibson for a panel discussion on violence against women in politics.