LWV Celebrates New Michigan District Maps for 2020
Both State and Congressional District Maps to be Redrawn
DETROIT, MI—Today a panel of federal district judges ruled in favor of the League of Women Voters of Michigan in their First and Fourteenth Amendment challenges to the state and congressional redistricting plans.
“Today is a great victory for the voters of Michigan and for our democracy,” said Judy Karandjeff, President of the League of Women Voters of Michigan. “The state will now draw new district lines before the next federal election, which now will better reflect the makeup of the voters – not the interests of the politicians.”
The League went to court over the current district maps, drawn in 2011 after the last census. With today’s ruling, Michigan will be required to implement new maps in time for the 2020 election and before the next redistricting cycle in 2021. Covering both state and congressional district maps, this case is the only one of its kind in the country.
“We presented evidence showing a clear intent by the state legislature to dilute the power of voters and draw themselves into safe districts,” said Mark Brewer, an Attorney at Goodman Acker. “With today’s decision, new maps will move the state closer to ensuring voters are picking their representatives, not the other way around.”
The League of Women Voters of Michigan, along with 11 individual plaintiffs, was represented by Faegre Baker Daniels and Goodman Acker law firms.
“This has been a long battle in court, but we are grateful to this panel of judges for hearing out our case until the end and protecting the most vulnerable voters in Michigan,” said Jay Yeager, Senior Counsel at Faegre Baker Daniels.
The state will come up with a remedial plan by August 1, 2019, in order to hold special elections in 2020 for seats in the challenged districts.
Contact: Kayla Vix | 202-809-9668 | [email protected]
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