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League Celebrates Supreme Court Decision Limiting Political Interest in Redistricting Cases

Press Release / Last Updated:

WASHINGTON - Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Virginia House of Delegates v. Bethune-Hill affirming the lower courts designation that the Virginia legislature lacks standing to appeal in its own right. The League of Women Voters national president Chris Carson issued the following statement on the decision: 

“This is a victory for voters because it disallows legislators from bringing lawsuits to protect their own political interests. The Supreme Court’s decision affirming the lower court's ruling around standing is an important milestone. The Court provided clarity that state Attorneys General will maintain the exclusive right to bring future redistricting cases.” 

The court ruled earlier this year that the maps in question were a racial gerrymander and required new maps be used in the recent June elections. These new maps ensured that every voter’s ballot matters in Virginia. 

LWVUS joined an amicus brief in this case.

Contact: Sarah Courtney | 202-263-1332 | 

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