Framing the Future
Framing the Future is the present phase of the League's Transformation Journey, and it includes Core Working Groups and a League-wide survey.
Framing the Future is the present phase of the League of Women Voters Transformation Journey. Previous phases, including the Transformation Roadmap and the Structure Transformation Plan, formed the blueprint for our future. Now, we are beginning the work of building — of framing out the house.
Please direct questions about this work to [email protected].
Office Hours
Office hours are now scheduled for state and local League leaders to ask questions about the transformation. LWVUS board members will hold office hours on the third Wednesday of each month at 4pm EST, starting on Wednesday, August 16.
REGISTER NOW: Framing the Future Office Hours
New Membership System
The LWVUS team has been hard at work identifying a system that meets the requirements of a new membership platform as identified by stakeholders, including state and local League leaders. Check out the recently published FAQs for the latest information on the new membership platform, the new dues structure, and more.
Framing the Future Findings
Framing the Future is a phase of high engagement among Leagues and League members through core Working Groups and a League-wide field survey. The findings of these inputs are summarized in the graphics below (click to download a pdf).
Planned Business Model
At the 2023 National Council in June, League leaders received a preview of the planned shared dues model. This planned model was formulated to comply with the bylaws changes approved by Convention delegates in 2022. The new shared dues model will create a more inclusive and welcoming experience for members and prospective members.
The plan structure was informed by input from more than 9,000 League members through core working groups and the all-member survey.
Under the new system, LWVUS is projected to receive $700,000 less in membership dues compared to the current Per Member Payment model. This money will instead be reallocated to local and state Leagues in the field.
For those Leagues who may receive less money under the new system initially, LWVUS has committed to make them whole for the first two years under the new model.
Final system selection is still underway, and Leagues can look forward to opportunities to engage in testing and feedback once implementation begins.
League-wide Survey
During April 2023, all League members were invited to fill out a short survey about their unique experiences in the League. These survey results, in addition to insight from our Framing the Future working groups, will guide the next steps of our Transformation Journey.
Core Working Groups
LWVUS assembled four key working groups made up of local and state League members who will inform each of the four core areas of Framing the Future. Special care was paid to ensure diversity in age, race, and location among members of the groups. These groups will meet over spring 2023 and develop a report to be shared at Council 2023.
- Business Model Working Group
- Data Working Group
- Functional Specification Working Group
- League Capacity Working Group
Business Model Working Group
To inform the development of consistent suggested membership dues, the feasibility of donations, and a revenue structure to help all Leagues thrive and deliver an equitable member experience.
Group Members
- Diksha Mudbhary | LWV Scarsdale (NY)
- C. Michele Shivers | LWV Rye, Rye Brook and Port Chester (NY)
- Karen Price | LWV Needham (MA)
- Dr. Felecia D. Jett | LWV Manatee (FL)
- Mary Mathews | LWV Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Area (IL)
- Beth Henson Tudan | LWV Fairfax Area (VA)
- Mary Ann B. Ashton | LWV Acton Area (MA)
- Kathy Jones | LWV Alabama
- Ann Luther | LWV Maine
- Thomas Gardiner | LWV of Indiana
- Jane Hoffmann | LWV Charlotte Mecklenburg (NC)
- Jane E. Colvin | LWV New York
- Connie R. Mitchell | LWV Dearborn/Dearborn Heights (MI)
- Evelyn C Murphy | LWV Monmouth County (NJ)
- Joyce LeBombard | LWV Texas
- Mary Thompson | LWV Wake (NC)
- Shari George | LWV Tanana Valley (AK)
- Martha Y. Zavala | LWV Pasadena Area (CA)
- Patricia MacLeish | LWV Cooperstown Area (NY)
- Barbara Tengtio | LWV Seattle King County (WA)
- Kim Reed | LWV Glen Ellyn (IL)
Data Working Group
To understand key data required by Leagues to operate, and to use data as a tool for building an equitable organization.
Group Members
- Lunell Haught | LWV Spokane (WA)
- Elizabeth Bishop | LWV Washtenaw County (MI)
- Michele Garrick Nave | LWV Northwest Maricopa County (AZ)
- Nancy Rosenthal | LWV New York
- Evan Murray | LWV Maine
- Sreymom Suos | LWV Long Beach Area (CA)
- Deborah Kauffman | LWV Hillsborough and Pasco Counties (FL)
- Kathy Brook | LWV Southern New Mexico (NM)
- Kimberly Stanton Bowe | LWV Dallas (TX)
- Roberta Borrino | LWV Roselle/Bloomingdale (IL)
- Karen L Williams | LWV Virgin Islands
- Barbara Grosh | LWV Rochester Metro Area (NY)
- Diane Baylor | LWV of Scarsdale (NY)
- Nicole Allen | LWV Atlanta-Fulton Co. (GA)
- Gail M Fairburn | LWV Santa Barbara (CA)
- Debbi Voss | LWV Austin Area (TX)
Functional Specification Working Group
To inform the key functionality of a membership system that supports a consistent join-at-every-level experience and strengthens League accessibility and management of membership rosters.
Group Members
- Ilene Kahn | LWV Fair Lawn (NJ)
- Brandi Rodriquez | LWV Wisconsin
- Andrea Mitchell | LWV Denver (CO)
- Laura Ladd Bierman | LWV Albany County (NY)
- Nadya Mullen | LWV Maine
- Samantha Anthony | LWV Philadelphia (PA)
- Christina Schlitt | LWV Michigan
- Jennifer Jackson | LWV Lexington (KY)
- Lisa McMillan | LWV Piedmont Triad (NC)
- Sharon Stone | LWV California
- Peggy Carrico | LWV Davis (UT)
- Lorrel Plimier | LWV Piedmont (CA)
League Capacity Working Group
To outline a shared vision, definition, and core components of capacity required to assist state Leagues in building power at the state and local levels.
Group Members
- Cari Zawodny | LWV Anchorage (AK)
- Debra Cronmiller | LWV Wisconsin
- Hannah Burling | LWV New Mexico
- Annie Johnson-Benifield | LWV Houston (TX)
- Deborah Ducoff-Barone | LWV Greater Hartford (CT)
- MaryLee Moulton | LWV Nebraska
- Viola Gonzales | LWV Oakland (CA)
- Pinny Sheoran | LWV Arizona
- Carey Dabney | LWV Southeast Utah (UT)
- Kathy Poore | LWV Macomb County (MI)
- Krishna Mondal | LWV Orange, Durham, and Chatham Counties (NC)
- Christine Florez | LWV Albany County (NY)
- Iris J. Meltzer | LWV Ohio
- Jakky Lynette | LWV Oklahoma County (OK)
- Meghan Pierce | LWV Pennsylvania
- Erica Nelson | LWV Glen Ellyn
Transformation Journey Timeline
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions, they may be answered at the link below, or you can reach out to [email protected].