EPA Accepting Comments on Plan to Repeal the Clean Power Plan
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced it’s plan to move forward with the repeal of the Clean Power Plan, which would regulate the carbon pollution from existing power plants, at the end of October.
The Clean Power Plan is the biggest and most ambitious action the U.S. has ever taken to tackle climate change. Power plants are the number one contributor of carbon pollution and carbon pollution is the largest contributor to climate change. The regulations were finalized in 2015 by President Obama but were stopped from being fully implemented when the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay in an ongoing legal battle.
Despite the ongoing legal battle, the new administration is moving forward with reversing the final regulation. On November 29, the EPA will hold a hearing in Charleston, WV where members of the public will provide comments related to their plans to roll back the Clean Power Plan. The League will be there and members of the public can submit comments to the EPA through the online rulemaking portal on regulations.gov.
The League has been working to make the Clean Power Plan a reality for almost a decade. We’ve worked to submit comments from thousands of League supporters and testified in front of EPA officials during the unprecedented public outreach campaign around the regulation. We will continue to work to ensure that the Clean Power Plan is implemented properly in every state and that these life-saving measures are enacted.
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