Celebrate Independence Day by Making Democracy Work
In the last two weeks, the Supreme Court has issued decisions on two monumental voting rights cases. Together these cases only underline how important it is for organizations like the League of Women Voters to do the vitally important work of bringing new voters into our political process by registering them.
This Independence Day help us make our democracy work – encourage your fellow citizens to visit VOTE411.org and register to vote!
In one case, the Supreme Court upheld the National Voter Registration Act and protected the voter registration process from political manipulation. This decision bolsters the important work of the League and that of organizations like ours - that host thousands of citizen-led voter registration drives in communities across the country seeking to engage new and underrepresented voters in the democratic process.
In a second case, the Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, thereby erasing fundamental protections against racial discrimination in voting that have been effective for over 40 years. This decision opens the door for states that may previously have been dissuaded from pursuing legislation to limit voting rights due to the need for federal approval outlined in the Voting Rights Act. We are concerned that states will now be emboldened to attempt to pass restrictive laws, such as voter photo ID, cutting back on early voting and discriminatory redistricting maps, and encourage voters to rise up in opposition to help us overcome these attacks.
An important and necessary step in having a say on these issues, and the others that matter most to you, is getting registered to vote. Join us in honoring our nation and democracy by supporting new voters – share VOTE411.org, a “one-stop-shop” for election related information, with your friends and family to make sure that they are registered to vote and have the information they need when they vote.
The League of Women Voters is committed to making sure voters have the information they need to participate in elections and ensure their vote counts. Since 2006, VOTE411.org has provided tens of millions of voters with information about the election process and information directly from candidates regarding their vision for their community and America’s future. Every election, whether local, state or federal, is important to ensuring our laws and policies reflect the values and beliefs of our communities. The first step to having a say on the issues that matter most to you is getting registered to vote.
Thank you for joining us in Making Democracy Work® and happy Independence Day!
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