After a virtual Council in 2021, state League leaders convened in-person at the Palms Resort & Casino in Las Vegas Nevada on June 23 – 25 for the 2023 National Council. The League was proud to host this event at the only hotel and casino on the Vegas Strip fully owned and operated by a Native American tribe, the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.
Welcome to Nevada
Council kicked off with a welcome reception featuring League members currently working to reestablish a state League in the Silver State. LWVUS President Dr. Deborah Turner welcomed attendees to Council, speaking to the power of One League:
We are here tonight as ONE League. We represent different states and communities, and we bring diverse experiences and viewpoints — but together we are ONE League. That’s how the voters see us. The League of Women Voters...We are stronger together because we are one League — with one clear set of values. That’s what makes us powerful.”
Dr. Turner , President of LWVUS
A Democracy of the People, by the People, ALL the People
On Friday, Dr. Turner set the stage for Council. She spoke of the League’s moonshot goal of abolishing the electoral college and connecting that long-term goal to the organization’s transformation.
“We are paving the way now so that our children and our grandchildren will live in a stronger democracy.”
Dr. Turner
Staff and facilitators led Council attendees through a panel presentation on the long-term plan to abolish the electoral college. Phase one of this multi-decade campaign will focus on educating League members and supporters around efforts to adopt the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Council attendees participated in ‘power mapping,’ an exercise for how Leagues can build the movement of the current phase of this work and lean into partnerships.
Framing the Future
Saturday morning Dr. Turner and LWVUS CEO Virginia Kase Solomón convened a fireside chat moderated by facilitator Tori O’Neil. Through a series of questions about the League’s transformation, the League president and CEO framed the work for the day.
Partnership & Culture
League leaders at Council held generative conversations about the power of partnerships with other organizations in our communities and between Leagues.
Leaders discussed the cultural elements of activism, inclusion, vision for the future, diversity (of thought and experience), and aligning toward organizational shared goals.
Business Modeling
Saturday afternoon, League leaders received analysis of projected dues revenue state-by-state under the planned shared dues model. This planned model was formulated to comply with the bylaws changes approved by Convention delegates in 2022. The new shared dues model ensures that anyone who wants to be a member will be able to join the League from any League website. This future system will create a more inclusive and welcoming experience for members and prospective members.
In the weeks ahead, LWVUS board members and staff will hold office hours for state League leaders to ask in-depth questions about the new dues structure. Key decisions in the months ahead will form the foundation for the new membership system, and LWVUS will continue to be transparent with League leaders throughout this process.
Celebrating Together
The final evening in Las Vegas, Council attendees networked and mingled at a reception celebrating the League and the progress made along our collective transformation.
To close the national Council, Sunday morning Virginia Kase Solomón delivered an inspiring keynote address about the urgency of the current moment for the League and our democracy.
“We don’t do this internal transformation work for ourselves. We do this work so that the League can meet the needs of the voters we serve.”
Virginia Kase Solomón, CEO of LWVUS
For the final working session of Council, state leaders, board members, and staff made commitments to continue to advance our transformation work in the next year leading up to Convention 2024.
Finally, Dr. Turner closed out the national Council meeting with gratitude and appreciation for the work that went into planning a successful in-person event of this scale in a new way for the organization.
“...don’t let what happened in Vegas, stay in Vegas! Everything you’ve shared, learned, and contributed at this Council serves to move us forward together as one League.”
Dr. Turner
State leaders will continue to work together along with the national staff and board to advance our transformation work in the months ahead. LWVUS looks forward to welcoming members from every League to Convention 2024 in Washington, DC.
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Framing the Future is the present phase of the League's Transformation Journey, and it includes Core Working Groups and a League-wide survey.
Remarks from LWVUS board president Dr. Deborah Ann Turner during LWV's 2023 Council in Las Vegas, NV.
We invite League members to our biennial national gathering to be held in Denver, CO and online in 2022.